THINKUP’s ideology is simple: Greatness = Cognitive Resilience.

That Resilience comes from confidence, accurate decisions, and mental toughness. Exceptional Professionals possess all of these qualities. When a company is comprised with a high percentage of Exceptional Professionals™, the work is fun, engaging and most of all purposeful. The perspective on organizational goals moves from tough and insurmountable to attainable.


A company’s greatest asset is its human capital. Companies generally do a good job in providing training, however, the training usually doesn’t include a component that determines an employee’s ability to absorb the content. Employees performance is underscored by their mental performance, so if their mental capacity is not on par with their personality that is seen, it can cause a disruption in expectation. The training that companies provide is often presented without assessing the learning ability or capacity of the individual(s). To put an organization in the best position for future relevance and successes, the collective IQ, EQ, and XQ, must be set at a high level. Great companies think great. If you want a company to do differently then its people must think differently. It’s not about the attempt, but the execution.

  • Do you see a lot of attention to detail errors?

  • Do you often notice an inability to properly problem solve?

  • Do you notice problems with time management?

  • Is the current environment a stressful work environment?

  • Is there team member conflict?


The Framework of the ThinkUp Process

  • Assessment

    There are many complexities to our human nature, but our most complex structure is underdeveloped and is often left to chance for maturation. We utilize combinatorial techniques to discover a person's cognitive strengths, weakness or gaps and observe how the brain performs expressed through the personality’s ability to adjust for suboptimal performance.

  • Cognitive Impact

    External and internal stimuli causes the brain to change structure and function. Utilizing over 25 years of cognitive research, we will employ dynamic metacognitive techniques to promote positive adaptions that will result in new perspectives, positive behavioral differences, cultivate new skills, and heal deficits.

  • Fine Tuning

    Along the way you will work with a Framework Administrator that will align your personal and career goals with your brain training. Your awareness of the process will allow you to adapt faster to circumstances and create measurably better choices by your brains ability to optimize different strategies. Thus moving yourself to an exceptional level.


Very soon we will be holding Q&A sessions where you can find out more about becoming an EXCEPTIONAL PROFESSIONAL


Stay connected for details!


Douglas Mapp President and Founder of thinkUP is a certified cognitive professional. He helps individuals think differently in life-impacting ways and directs companies to harness brain power for better performance and higher outcomes, so that they and our communities can be exceptional. True learning occurs when the mind can deliver successes while it minimizes stress. If you take anything away from meeting him it will be that “You can't do different until you think different,” and sometimes it’s your brain that’s holding you back. When people are intrinsically motivated to learn something new exceptional actions follow. Follow Exceptional Professional Framework™ and watch your thoughts and your actions make a brighter tomorrow.